Agricultural and Agro-Processing
The Agriculture and agro-processing module seeks to promote sustainable agricultural production and agro-processing for improved food security and agriculture -based income in targeted communities.
- Five hundred (500) beneficiaries of agricultural training within communities and educational institutions on cash crop/tree crop farming, livestock farming, fish farming, beehiving among others.
- Nurse twenty five million (25,000,000) economic trees such as coconut, oil palm, citrus and mango to support plantation development and re-afforestation
- Partner government, private sector and development institutions to scale existing agro-processing initiatives.
- Provide training to improve existing livelihood programmes in communities
- Facilitate carbon trading initiatives.
- Twenty (20) million seedlings were raised to support the 2022 Green Ghana Day.
The infographic below shows the various seedling sites with the number of seedlings raised. It also highlights the number of jobs created at each site.